From:                                         Phil Rembleski <>

Sent:                                           Friday, June 5, 2020 7:06 AM

To:                                               1111RESCUEMEMBERS

Subject:                                     6-5-20 THOUGHTS


6-5-20   THOUGHTS

The TEACHER is talking about sin to his disciples.  Some heavy lessons of application are given.  This is not “what to think”, but rather “how to behave”.  I note that it starts with a man sinning in general, and behavior that intervenes for the man’s good (rebuke him).  It then seems to progress to the man sinning against you a number of times.  The demand is “FORGIVE”.  This sinner is personally injuring you over and over.  I might validly say, “If his ‘I Repent’ was real, he’d stop the sinning!”   That’s just reasonable! It’s tough behavior isn’t it?  Sounds even unfair?

Here’s the text:.  
Luke 17:3-5     "Be on your guard! If your brother sins, rebuke him; and if he repents, forgive him. 4  "And if he sins against you seven times a day, and returns to you seven times, saying, ‘I repent,’ forgive him." 5  The apostles said to the Lord, "Increase our faith!"

Some responses that were possible:
I can’t do that!    I won’t do that!  That’s not fair Lord!  
But these are men who know they are in the presence of their LORD.  
          “We’re going to need more faith to do this Lord...  Will you provide it?”  
Can I say, if we miss turning the story around and seeing ourselves as the one sinning, we are missing the whole lesson!

I think there is a great lesson for us here.  We need to pray “LORD INCREASE OUR FAITH!”     We must believe that He can and will!  

In a sermon I’m working on is a quote that is needed right here.
“The essence of idolatry is the attempt to make God manageable.”
   -- Donald Demaray, Introduction to Homiletics, p. 139.
Brothers and sisters, we need to take what God has said and ask for greater faith to submit to it.

My Prayer:
Oh Lord God, teach us to submit to your will and word.   Help us to desire your word as our necessary food.  Work with us Oh Lord toward having the mind of Christ.  Remove self from us!  Teach us to love and give and be compassionate.  Help us to consider the souls of others and not our own selves.     

                           In Jesus precious name                    Amen